Saturday, August 18, 2012

Acidophilus: Acidophilus can help patients with small bowel obstruction

The study, conducted by National Taiwan University Hospital and National Taiwan University, Taipei Medical College, that patients with partial bowel obstruction can be improved with the oral intake of laxatives, acidophilus, and Smethykon.
According to some experts, which are managed usually patients with a partial blockage of adhesive small bowel conservatively, receiving water by injection rather than by mouth. "Previous studies have suggested that this approach is associated with longer hospital stays and increased risk of delaying surgery," as reports Shyr-Chyr Chen, MD, National Taiwan University Hospital and National Taiwan University College of Fellows in the Faculty of Medicine in Taipei, and.

Of 144 patients respectively with adhesive partial blockage of the small intestine that have been made between February 2000 and July 2001, 128 met the inclusion criteria were randomized to moisturize the fourth group of intervention, and nasogastric (NG) tube pressure and oral treatment with magnesium oxide, acidophilus Lactobacillus, and Smethykon or control group (IV water, NG-tube pressure and not by mouth).

Most of the patients are men, whose age was 54.4 ± 15.9 years in the control group and 53.9 ± 16.3 years in the intervention group. Did not have a 91 per cent of patients in the intervention group and 76 percent of the patients monitor the success of treatment without surgery.

"Oral therapy with magnesium oxide, L. acidophilus and Smethykon was effective in accelerating the partial solution to a small adhesive ileus treated conservatively and shorten the hospital stay," the authors write. "There is a need for further testing on larger samples of the patient to verify the value of oral therapy for partial adhesive small bowel barriers observed in this study," Report of the experts.

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