Sunday, September 16, 2012

Advantages and disadvantages of vitamins

Vitamins are compounds found in foods that help us to be fit and in good health. These organic compounds help in the performance of different metabolic systems of the body. Vitamins found naturally in various foods that we eat, and we can also get the vitamins and vitamins. Vitamins also help to protect the body against diseases and infections. Vitamins are also necessary for the formation of various enzymes and hormones that control metabolic activities in the body such as digestion and output, etc. published and there are about a ten types of vitamins necessary for the human body. Vitamin A is essential for proper functioning of our eyes and it also works as an antioxidant to prevent chemical reactions that cause oxidative damage to our bodies. Can get vitamin A from green leafy vegetables, broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, papaya and other B vitamins include thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, biotin and cyanocobalamin. This is necessary for the proper functioning of our nervous system and to convert food into energy in the body. It is also necessary for the proper functioning of the various metabolic activities of our body. Vitamin B is available from whole grains, beans, fish and lean meat, fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, milk, eggs, soybeans and other can get vitamin B-12 only from animal sources such as liver, eggs, cheese, and meat B vitamins and other essential to the process of representation food for amino acids, and nitrogen metabolism, and skin health. And can get vitamin C from citrus fruits such as lemon, lime, orange, grape, grapefruit and other Vitamin C is essential for the prevention of diseases and infections. It also helps the absorption of iron. And can get vitamin D from sunlight. It is essential for bones and teeth. It is also necessary for the growth of the body. Vitamin E is an antioxidant necessary. And can be obtained from whole grains, asparagus, wheat germ, corn, vegetables and seeds.
If you do not have a good nutritious diet and then you can suffer from a lack of vitamin health problems. Can lack of vitamin cause vision problems such as night blindness. Can inadequate vitamin B cause diseases such as beriberi, anemia and low resistance to disease, and so there is no vitamin C causes bleeding gums, weakness, loss of appetite, fatigue, etc. vitamin D deficiency leads to deformation of bones and teeth. Vitamin deficiency in food leads to poor health. And an effective way to fill nutritional gaps due to bad habits in eating is the use of vitamin supplements. These vitamins can help us to strengthen our immune system, and build stamina.

It is always best to take vitamins from food sources rather than synthetic vitamins are all. Taking vitamins is more like a synthetic vitamin and a half our bodies vitamin treats various natural and synthetic. It is very necessary to give the body a natural nutrients to protect the various organs of the body and its functions. Our body needs vitamins integers, which is naturally present in foods such as vegetables, grains and fruits instead of vitamins. The use of natural vitamin our bodies more effective than vitamin A. Synthetic

Bee supplements for your health

Bee pollenOften referred to as the most complete food nature bee pollen. He praised the human consumption of bee pollen in the Bible and other religious books, and ancient Chinese and Egyptian texts. Bee pollen rejuvenates your body, stimulates organs and glands, enhances vitality and provides longer life. Bee pollen ability to consistently and significantly increase energy levels makes it a favorite item among many world class athletes and those interested in sustaining and enhancing quality performance.

Bee Propolis
Historically Propolis, often called penicillin nature, and are used to treat tuberculosis, ulcers and division, and inflammation of the colon to waive immunity. Propolis has been shown to destroy bacteria, viruses, fungi and even bacteria resistant to penicillin (Staphylococcus aureus). It contains bioflavonoids, one of which (galangin) is a natural antibiotic. Also, propolis improves the performance of the immune system, in particular by increasing the activity of phagocytes (killer cells). Propolis also inhibits prostaglandin production, inflammation and stop.

Propolis is a resin plants were collected by bees, which are used in the construction of hives. Bee adopted sterilization habits long before humans. Most sterile place in nature is a hive. Propolis is a natural substance that gives all bacteria, fungi, virus neutralization or entering the cell. One of the most powerful foods found in nature, Propolis is a highly complex mixture of waxes, resins, balsams, oils and a small amount of pollen.

Propolis is a waxy substance collected by bees which contains phytotonizides. Believe Phytotonizides to contain immunity factors, which when used internally, stimulates the body and gives it a natural resistance to diseases (a natural antibiotic). Propolis is gathered from all over the world, and confirm proper temperature control for maximum freshness and consistency.

Supplement, propolis is an excellent aid against bacterial infections. Stimulates "phagocytosis .. Help the white blood cells to destroy bacteria good results against inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, dry cough, sore halitosis, tonsillitis, and acne Stimulates the immune system .

Royal Jelly
Royal jelly is a complex chemical structure produced by the young nurse bees as larva food. Although it is not quite as well known as bee pollen and royal jelly equals pollen in its salutary effects.

A young nurse bees make royal jelly, it is a secretion from glands on the tops of their heads. For 2-3 days, royal jelly is the only food given to all young larvae in the maturation process, while for the queen larvae, it is food for a specified period of a lifetime. Within 3 days, the larvae feed on the bees royal jelly, they reach the maximum development, their weight multiplies about 250 times. Queen (the U.S. central bank on royal jelly throughout her life) reaches maturity 5 days earlier than the worker bees, and adulthood, weight is double what it was the 'worker bee. Extends the life of bees is about 35-40 days, while the queen lives 5-6 years and is very wide. The rich once, and from that time can lay up to 3000 eggs per day during this season. As incredible as it may seem, they can lay eggs as much a period of five years.

This rich concentrated food not only useful for the bees. It contains large amounts of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, hormones, enzymes and minerals, vital and specific factors that act as biocatalysts in cell regeneration processes within the human body.

B vitamins and acne

How all the vitamins B (B5, B6, B12, etc..) Help acne?
Unlike other vitamins fight against acne that have been mentioned, and B vitamins are unique. B vitamins of different vitamins that are grouped all their name both, and usually in the way it's been done. B vitamins are almost always constitute B complex due to the fact that each B vitamin has its own benefits to the body. In fact, it should be considering the use of these supplements to fight acne definitely go with vitamins B-complex, not only because it helps acne but also simply because of all the other positive effects that you have to maintain a healthy body. In fact, the B vitamins are more like a "super vitamins" because of their many uses.

Because each vitamin B helps in different ways in the fight against acne, and this article will discuss all the different vitamin B that are involved in helping to keep the skin clear and healthy. Perhaps the best aspect of these B vitamins is that there are a lot of, and almost always taken at the same time, and they have a lot of uses in the body outside the anti-acne and keep the skin nice and clean.

The following is a breakdown of the B vitamins:

Thiamine (vitamin B1) - Thiamine is an antioxidant, and helps to rid the body of toxins and skin free radicals, which helps to keep the skin clear and free from acne. It also improves blood circulation and helps digestion.

Riboflavin (vitamin B2) - Riboflavin is necessary to maintain healthy skin, hair and nails. It helps to strengthen and repair the skin and helps prevent acne from forming. In addition, also works with vitamin B-vitamin A to promote a healthy digestive system.

Niacinamide (vitamin B3) - niacinamide essential for maintaining healthy skin and helps to improve blood circulation. It helps prevent acne from forming and dissemination. It also helps to break carbohydrate metabolism, fats and proteins.

Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) - Pantothenic acid greatly assist in reducing stress. Stress is the main reason for pantothenic acid acne and can help to maintain control. It is also necessary for the proper functioning of the adrenal glands.

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) - Pyridoxine is very important in the performance of the immune system, and the production of antibodies. It also helps to fight acne.

Cobalamin (vitamin B12) - works in conjunction with other vitamins and enhances their effects and helps to maintain healthy skin and clear better. In itself, and also helps to increase energy and helps maintain the health of nerve cells.

A vitamin deficiency in many of these jobs lead to acne breakouts. Fortunately, these vitamins are almost always in the face of vitamin B complex, which can be purchased easily. Ensure that we get enough B vitamins are essential for maintaining healthy skin and fight acne.

Avoid scams: vitamins and nutritional supplements to buy on the World Wide Web

In the 21st century, an increasing number of men and women are flocking to the Internet and the World Wide Web to make purchases of products and services to engage the various service providers. A type of production line, which now offers in abundance on the Internet is that vitamins and dietary supplements. Currently, there are literally thousands of different places online that meet the needs of people who want to buy and use vitamins and other dietary supplements.
Unfortunately, there is a small segment of the Internet consists of towers and artists Flim Flam. There are people who have created less reputable sites in vitamins and nutritional supplements business. Of course, if you are new in the pursuit of these types of products online, you want to avoid these types of landmarks. There are some tips and indicators that you should keep in mind when searching for the websites involved in the reputation of vitamins and nutritional supplements business.

For starters, if you are a beginner in the pursuit and purchase of vitamins and nutritional supplements online, check out these sites that have been developed in the field of business for a reasonable period of time. Of course, there are many sites that deal with these products popping up all the time - and many of these sites are very good. However, until you get your feet wet and understand what to look for in legitimate sites from which vitamins and nutritional supplements on the market, and we will provide you the best based on those sites that have been developed better.

Secondly, as you go in search of a site on the Internet can be used to make the purchase of vitamins and nutritional supplements, and get references from other people who have used one or other. In many ways, referrals and recommendations are the best way you can make reasonable decisions and educated about the sites to determine if you are in the market for vitamins and nutritional supplements for private use and use of your family.

By educating yourself and taking your time to search different sites, and you'll be able to find a place reliable and reputable through which you can purchase vitamins and nutritional supplements.

Avian influenza: We want the good news or bad news?

Bird flu: The bad news first
Well, it's flu season again. Only this time, we hear all about the bird flu ... Influenza, which should wreak havoc across the country in the not too distant months.

What is avian influenza? Avian flu is a disease of birds. Yes, you read that right, "Avian influenza is bird flu." Why is it bad news like that?

If you're still in great news, and will be considered read widely deadliest disease in history to the Spanish flu pandemic that killed 40 million people in just a few months. Scientists now believe that a pandemic was a bird flu pandemic. In other words, the virus came from birds - and we believe - and similar to a virus called "H5N1" (a form of the bird flu virus). Assets? Most scientists agree that it is native to Asia, such as this.

Happens in every flu season. It comes in two forms, influenza type A or B. Type type A is the most powerful of these types of influenza and avian influenza type A. These strains were killed.

Bird flu virus infects and scattered all over the poultry industry in Asia. Why often in Asia? In other words ... This is the key to understanding how to deal with bird flu - poultry really dirty. And can detect the smell of these operations, especially across Asia, a mile away. These farms are packed with animals that are weak, with a risk system, weakened immunity.

That these phrases together to sink in: bird flu and weakened immune systems. At all to deal with the consequences of the terrible conditions and weak immune systems of millions of people who survived the First World War or the terrible conditions of poultry in Asia and Europe and millions of animals with immune system, and the key to this epidemic is "weakened immune systems and bird flu."

Because of the rapid spread and extremely dangerous nature of avian influenza in birds, was destroyed millions of herds in the affected countries. However, this simply does not work because migratory birds are carriers of the bird flu virus to distant lands, and spreading the infection and therefore her. Interestingly, the migratory birds are not dying like chicken. Why? Because their immune system stronger, we are told by scientists.

Is that one sink in too: bird flu is not so easily kill these animals have a strong immune system. Hum ... Avian Influenza and the immune system ... Maybe we have something here.

Incidentally, there were only the deaths of hundreds of bird flu in all parts of the world. It is almost impossible for the bird flu to move from birds to humans easily.

Bird flu: Now for the really bad news

Of course, whenever there is any risk of bird flu or not, our government jumps on high alert to infect everyone, if possible, with its anti-viral drugs to combat the lowest on suspicion of bird flu. To this day, and medicines were all against influenza in vain ... Or worse, against bird flu or any other type of flu.

Note that this declaration control vaccinations former president of the Organization of the Federal Food and Drug:

There is no evidence that the flu vaccine so far
Put effective in preventing or mitigating any attack
Influenza. Producers of these vaccines know they
Worthless, but still to be sold anyway.
- Dr. J. Anthony Morris

I wonder if this applies to birds alleged "antidote" flu. Note: recent decades have seen a dramatic change in the number of deaths from seasonal flu (some against bird flu).

Researchers know now population increase does not include doubling the number of deaths from seasonal influenza Average (or other birds). Less than 20,000 die each year for decades. But since the emergence of influenza vaccination, and average more than 40,000 people a year die.


One suggestion is a combination of two factors: the continued decline of the immune system of the average American, as evidenced by many of epidemic diseases among us (and not present in significant amounts in previous decades). The second factor which follows below ... (As a second Knight of the end of the world).

Let's see ... One thing we know about vaccines against influenza. They are not proven to work ... No, we know two things ... Yes, yes. They can kill. Just as it can kill the bird flu.

Many authorities believe a vaccine against influenza weakens the immune system, in fact ... Ah, there it is again ... Is weakened by the immune system.

Why is this? Let's see. Components in a vaccine against flu (remember when it comes to bird flu) as follows:

"Formaldehyde, you know ... embalming fluid known to cause cancer.

"Aluminum and metals is closely linked with Alzheimer's disease, cancer and many types of painful episodes.

"Carbolic acid: terribly caustic poison.

"Ethylene Glycol: You will definitely need this fluid this winter, but please do not use it as a freeze anti-Lseartk, as it was designed to be used in the beginning.

"Mercury: .. was present in the component called thimerosal, a vaccine medical crippler known and deadly and kills brain cells and immune cells is associated with childhood brain and neurological diseases because of its use in vaccines.

"Grown bird flu vaccines in the developed strains of animal tissues pus responsible mixed with chemicals above death.
(Articles chips ... a special report, "bird flu H5N1," Dr. Richard Schulze, November 2005, p 12 Great "bird flu" resources)

No wonder the pharmaceutical companies concerned to be protected by law against lawsuits by those who can use these drugs against bird flu?

Forgive my doubts, but I have seen within the medical establishment / medicines, fanatical zeal to earn money as a first priority ... There is a conflict, so. And treatment of bird flu will not be different.

Do not rely on the Hippocratic Oath to protect against bird flu. There is a lot of money in these drugs. Billion. And was always suspicious when a drug company seeks trial immunity (ahem, appropriate wording here) before FACT (before using it against bird flu!)

Avian influenza: now Oalkhbr good (finally).

Bird flu not to in the following remarks were made. However, reading the mind birds.

In testimony before Congress about the possible attack against bioterrorism in the United States, and Dr. H. Reginald McDaniel said,

In cases of epidemic diseases and unusual, or exposure to infectious virulence factor,
Glyconutrient supplements has proven to improve
Public functions and immune defense. When supplied to higher levels
That need sugars available in nature, for the synthesis of cells able to take
Innate defense systems to a higher level than that to be effective against
And infectious agents.

In other words, if we were attacked by the enemy with biological weapons, such as avian flu, and found protection with glyconutrition. It is a strong antidote against non-compulsory possible influenza virus.

Glyconutrition strengthens the natural defenses of the immune system strong so unstoppable cancer, flu and other under immune Active. Evidence of this already. There's no guesswork here. Avian influenza is a type of influenza A, and specifically this type of flu glyconutrition intended to compensate.

Effective Glyconutrition - and perhaps against bird flu, and also - and has no side effects. He set a food substance and vital to human survival. There are at least four Nobel justify the existence and the need to glyconutrition rights.

There is an abundance of evidence proving effective against all sorts of diseases, including influenza. Not directly attacking the flu. It boosts the immune defenses - killer T cells and other - and kill tumors, influenza, herpes simplex, shingles, strep, tuberculosis, bacterial infections, cancers, and parasitic diseases ... List murderers kill now.

Athlete Dietary Vitamin Supplements

How can you find sports supplement vitamin food that is good for you? Can be found at Appendix food law can be difficult if you are an athlete. Use more athletes of food in the body and must be able to quickly replace lost vitamins and minerals. With the help of multi-vitamin, most athletes can not maintain power at its peak.
Find the perfect addition to your nutritional needs starts with knowing your nutritional needs are. If you endurance rider, will be different needs of someone lifting weights. Although each person has different needs vitamin, there are some standard amounts that can be used as a guide.

If you buy vitamins or supplements your health food store, they may be able to provide a list of recommended amounts of vitamins will be taken. If you want to access the store a little more prepared, you can find the recommended doses of vitamin a simple Internet search.

Most athletes do not know of any additional multi-mineral or herbal is good for them. The Internet can be another excellent resource for finding which are the vitamins and minerals that are best suited for athletes. Different athletes require different vitamins to ensure they can get the best possible performance.

After doing a little research on the different types of vitamin pills and liquids that are available and the athlete must then find the best prices of these vitamins. Although prices can vary greatly from one store to the Internet in general, and this is the best place to find a great deal on vitamins. There are four main sites you can get the vitamins:

1. Groceries - and often the most popular vitamins and not much variety. You can find brand vitamins, and vitamins.

2. Health food market - because these stores specializing in organic foods and healthy, and you will find a wide variety of organic whole food vitamins that are available to them. You may have to pay a higher price for this type of company.

3. Vitamin Supplement store - and they are often located in malls and carry a wide variety of vitamins and nutritional supplements. And can usually all the vitamins and minerals can be found available in this type of store.

4. Internet - The Internet is becoming one of the best sources to find the things you need. You can usually get a good deal on vitamins and supplements and you generally do not need to wait too long to be delivered directly to your door.

Buy vitamin supplements should not be different from buying vitamin supplements to someone else. If you take your time and do a little research beforehand, you will be well prepared when you enter the store. Or better yet, just do all your research and shop online and save yourself a ton of time and money!

Articles and information about side effects of doping shrenksonlinepharma

Anavar. Unlike most oral steroids, which are a class II doping to give more effect activated by means other than the androgen receptor (AR), may seem to have good liaison Ooxandrolon AR, and therefore the first steroid class, while having little effect in others. In itself, it is considered the lowest level of an anabolic steroid.
This is partly due to the apparent lack of non-AR-mediated activity.

The other part of the reason for this is that bodybuilders make unfortunate and unreasonable comparisons when it comes to doping. If say 8 tablets per day does little, then it appears the drug useless or weak by the user. But that is only 20 mg / day or 140 mg / week. 140 mg / week of testosterone gives results much? Anabolic steroids give dramatic results just at this dose. On energy per milligram reasonable, but each disk is low because a small dose.

Because of its high price, bodybuilding has taken a very small number of large doses of Ooxandrolon. This single case in the medical literature (Forbes et al), where reports indicate that a competitive athlete self 150 mg per day with remarkable gains Ooxandrolon. It is certain that if the credibility led the urine to verify that no other steroids were taken, there is no way to be certain that the athlete did not actually take more drugs than what was reported. In any case, at current prices, but the very wealthy to afford such a dose. I personally have tried 150 mg / day is effective and has found, but not significantly, and preferential treatment.

Ooxandrolon not aromatize or convert to DHT, and has a lifetime longer than half of Dianabol - 8:00 to 4:00. Thus, a moderate dose taken in the morning is to a large extent the system of night, but provides reasonable levels of androgen during the day and early evening.

Ooxandrolon from liver toxicity problems common to 17 - alkylated steroids. At one time it was thought that it was not true, but the clinical trials process with Oxandrin showed that 40 mg / day and the high toxicity of the liver, it is actually a problem with the prolonged use.

Primobolan is, in my opinion, be regarded as a complex of high quality, and offering the same activity at a lower price (in general) and no doubt the toxicity of alkyl.