Saturday, August 18, 2012

Natural source of melatonin

Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland. It is believed to play a role in anti-aging, as well as help jet lag and insomnia. But caution is advised in the use of melatonin as a supplement, given the strength of its influence.
One problem with melatonin, which has been done most of the studies on animals, such as mice, not humans. And animal studies are used by scientists to indicate whether the material is very promising, and can give valuable results, even if it were morally reprehensible and there are other alternatives. This study was conducted at the University of Texas Health Science Center.

While funded by a grant from industry Walnut, California, scientists have been able to determine not only that walnuts contain melatonin, but has been absorbed - at least in mice. But they believe that human beings will also be able to absorb melatonin from walnuts. Unfortunately, they do not know how much you should eat nuts to get the benefits that have been developed as a potential source in this study. There can be many more! But food aid as a source of melatonin is a good choice because it is more secure, especially if you are suffering from serious diseases.

University of Texas scientists also found that melatonin has an antioxidant effect. Antioxidants protect our cells against damage caused by oxidation. Antioxidants slow down the aging process, and interestingly, the levels of melatonin falling in many cases with age.

Has been the effect of the antioxidant melatonin before. Dr. Reiter, also of the University of Texas Health Science Center, but he believes he can protect the central nervous system and overall body against free radicals. Also believed that melatonin can increase the body's own production of another antioxidant, glutathione peroxidase.

People who should not take melatonin supplements are:

* Children
* Pregnant women
* Nursing mothers
* Couples trying to conceive
* Individuals who suffer from severe allergies
* HIV and cancer patients

So it is not recommended that cancer patients taking melatonin is mainly because it did not happen, not enough research on humans, at least according to Dr. Kenneth Cooper. But has been doing some research with people suggest that melatonin may be useful - if taken with the supervision of a doctor. Here's the rub - Melatonin is a substance very strong. There is a need for small doses only to create improvements. For example, Dr. Cooper cites the example of doses as low as 2-3 mg only for some people suffering from insomnia.

Overall, melatonin is very promising, and can help people who suffer from serious diseases such as cancer and multiple sclerosis. At the same time, we increase the amount of foods such as nuts, which can provide us with this wonderful food can have many health benefits of protection and slow the aging process.

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