Sunday, September 16, 2012

Acidophilus: Acidophilus supplements can help millions of people suffering from diseases of the digestive system

And according to the Information Center Digestive Disease National in Bethesda, MD, from 60 to 70 million Americans suffer from diseases of the digestive system, but can help acidophilus supplements reduce digestive disorders.
Current procedures commercial food processing can destroy beneficial organisms viable, making it difficult for the body to maintain good intestinal flora. So most of the products contain milk acidophilus culture no longer viable. Poor intestinal flora, sometimes, because of the preservatives, additives, alcohol, high-fat diets, and pills and stress.

Intestinal flora: is damage often antibiotics that kill all types of bacteria, both good and bad. Can the effects of antibiotics on intestinal bacteria last for weeks, even after cessation of treatment. This can cause allergies, fatigue, yeast overgrowth, poor digestion, chronic infections, among other things.

Can restore beneficial bacteria in the system by acidophilus supplements. Supplements acidophilus has important benefits not only for the digestive system, according to experts, such as: constipation and diarrhea keeping under control, and reduce bad breath, fight lactose intolerance by binding lactase, cholesterol control by enhancing absorption of dietary fat regular, reducing deletion gas internal Candida yeast, and the Prevention of Pollution from intestinal infectious organisms common in some foreign countries, as well as the removal of a number of intestinal disorders.

Acidophilus contains bacteria that have a symbiotic relationship and mutually beneficial relationship with the human stomach. It is a dietary supplement product, which is often added to milk or other dairy products, or is also sold in capsule form.

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