Sunday, September 16, 2012

Antioxidant supplement

Objective of the research on vitamins these days is how antioxidant supplements may play a role in reducing the risk of heart disease and blood vessels. Antioxidant supplements - E, C and beta-carotene (a form of vitamin A) - have potential when it comes to health promotion. However, most of the data available on health, such as promoting properties of antioxidant supplements are incomplete. And it is only up to 30 percent of Americans take some form of antioxidant supplements.
But what exactly are antioxidants and how important are they?

Antioxidants are of two types. Can be either vitamins or minerals. It helps to prevent oxygen from interacting with other chemicals in cells. These reactions - called oxidation - can lead to cell damage that can lead to heart disease and cancer.

And can be found on the antioxidants in a variety of foods, but is most common in fruits and vegetables. A healthy diet of fresh fruits and vegetables leads to high levels of antioxidants in the body, which can mean only one thing - less free radicals (harmful molecules that cause cell damage) and healthier.

Antioxidants when you start work, they destroy free radicals or break the chain. As you can see, this is what happens when you have a lot of free radicals in the body. They largely stable, and these free radicals tend to steal or get electrons from stable molecules, and in doing so, and to make these unstable molecules as well, turning them into free radicals. This becomes a long series and continue again and again until the break that chain. This is where you come in antioxidants and whose sole function is to break the chain and neutralize free radicals.

During the neutralization process, and neutralize the antioxidants themselves. Therefore, they also become oxidized. This is the reason that the body needs to be a permanent source of antioxidants to maintain combat harmful free radicals and prevent them from multiplying.

With this type of diet for most of us these days, it is very likely that we can get antioxidants is not enough of the foods we eat. And do not forget that the body needs to renew levels of antioxidants constantly. This is where you come in. antioxidant supplements

Because the body may not be getting the antioxidants enough because you do not have enough fruits or do not eat a lot of vegetables, so you need another source, such as antioxidant supplements.

Antioxidant supplements are that source. Although antioxidant supplements can not very well replace the natural antioxidants, they can not help but to increase the level of antioxidants in the body.

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