Sunday, September 16, 2012

Articles and information about side effects of doping shrenksonlinepharma

Anavar. Unlike most oral steroids, which are a class II doping to give more effect activated by means other than the androgen receptor (AR), may seem to have good liaison Ooxandrolon AR, and therefore the first steroid class, while having little effect in others. In itself, it is considered the lowest level of an anabolic steroid.
This is partly due to the apparent lack of non-AR-mediated activity.

The other part of the reason for this is that bodybuilders make unfortunate and unreasonable comparisons when it comes to doping. If say 8 tablets per day does little, then it appears the drug useless or weak by the user. But that is only 20 mg / day or 140 mg / week. 140 mg / week of testosterone gives results much? Anabolic steroids give dramatic results just at this dose. On energy per milligram reasonable, but each disk is low because a small dose.

Because of its high price, bodybuilding has taken a very small number of large doses of Ooxandrolon. This single case in the medical literature (Forbes et al), where reports indicate that a competitive athlete self 150 mg per day with remarkable gains Ooxandrolon. It is certain that if the credibility led the urine to verify that no other steroids were taken, there is no way to be certain that the athlete did not actually take more drugs than what was reported. In any case, at current prices, but the very wealthy to afford such a dose. I personally have tried 150 mg / day is effective and has found, but not significantly, and preferential treatment.

Ooxandrolon not aromatize or convert to DHT, and has a lifetime longer than half of Dianabol - 8:00 to 4:00. Thus, a moderate dose taken in the morning is to a large extent the system of night, but provides reasonable levels of androgen during the day and early evening.

Ooxandrolon from liver toxicity problems common to 17 - alkylated steroids. At one time it was thought that it was not true, but the clinical trials process with Oxandrin showed that 40 mg / day and the high toxicity of the liver, it is actually a problem with the prolonged use.

Primobolan is, in my opinion, be regarded as a complex of high quality, and offering the same activity at a lower price (in general) and no doubt the toxicity of alkyl.

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