Sunday, September 16, 2012

You get enough vitamin B?

Vitamins are chemical compounds the body can not make and must be provided. With lipids, carbohydrates and proteins (amino acids), minerals and trace elements, we must consider our food with or without supplements.
Vitamin B complex includes a number of vitamins as a family. Should not be taken separately. In this modern era, millions of people suffer from a lack of vitamin B for several reasons, the most important are: stress and processed foods in the diet, toxins and refined sugar, drugs, food and malnutrition.

Vitamin B deficiency leads to anemia and neurological disorders; shortage in children can cause profound damage, much of which is reversible.

A normal serum vitamin B does not warrant the adequacy, and concentrations of acid bromide (serum or urine) is a measure of metabolism more reliable in the metabolism of vitamin B. People after pure vegetarian (vegan) diet high risk (> 50%) in the absence of B metabolicvitamin.

B vitamin found in all animal products (liver, muscle and meat, eggs and dairy products are the sources of the order of the richest sources of the poorest).

Plant foods contain some vitamin B active, products grown in soil fertilized with cow manure can contain more than one B produce.Other commercially cultivated sources of vitamin B are good: baked potatoes, bananas, spinach , soybeans, wheat germ, cantaloupe, tuna in water, beans, bok choy, avocado and sunflower seeds, chicken, turnip greens, etc..

Probiotic supplements are not a sufficient amount of vitamin B and some products work better than others. A lack of B vitamins increases the risk of heart disease. They help keep a substance called homocysteine ​​in check by breaking it. If homocysteine ​​levels go too high, had a blood clot easier which increases the risk of heart attack or stroke.

There are several ways to get enough B vitamins: Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, choose the types of dark green greenery, not to mention green, eat whole grains such as brown rice, whole wheat pasta, grains whole oat flour and barley instead of those refined flour beans and peas (or) per day.

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