Sunday, September 16, 2012

Prenatal vitamins are really necessary?

One of the first things that happens when a woman visits a doctor either in a visit to discuss pregnancy or after the visit of the first pregnancy, is that they will get a prescription for prenatal vitamins . This event is also common that most women do not give a second thought. Vitamin supplements is generally a debatable topic, but doctors agree that it is necessary for pregnant women. Think about the last time you had a bad cold, for example. This is probably the case that the doctor did not prescribe to take high doses of vitamin C as a means of treatment.
In many cases, doctors are reluctant to prescribe vitamins for a health problem. So why is it that they did not hesitate to describe the prenatal vitamins? Quite simply, this means that the burden on women to consume enough food for life (or more if multiple births expected).

If people in general do not consume enough vitamins, it is logical that women have a huge deficit of nutrients if they become pregnant. Not all prenatal vitamins are the same. While women need adequate amounts of all the essential vitamins and minerals, and most important for the baby are folic acid and calcium. Folic acid is a B vitamin that is essential to prevent birth defects, especially those of the spinal cord and brain. Pregnant women need extra calcium so that the child's teeth and bones can grow healthy and strong. Calcium supplementation prevents the child from the child having to draw calcium from the mother's bones.

Of course, every woman has different needs. If you are vegetarian, have a low tolerance for certain foods or on a restricted diet for health reasons, prenatal vitamins can provide you and your child nutrients that otherwise should not occur. Vitamins exactly what you need to do is decide what your doctor will do. Some women neglect to take prenatal vitamins and try to use vitamins instead. This is not a good idea since vitamins contain extra nutrients rarely need women when she was pregnant.

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