Sunday, September 16, 2012

Advantages and disadvantages of vitamins

Vitamins are compounds found in foods that help us to be fit and in good health. These organic compounds help in the performance of different metabolic systems of the body. Vitamins found naturally in various foods that we eat, and we can also get the vitamins and vitamins. Vitamins also help to protect the body against diseases and infections. Vitamins are also necessary for the formation of various enzymes and hormones that control metabolic activities in the body such as digestion and output, etc. published and there are about a ten types of vitamins necessary for the human body. Vitamin A is essential for proper functioning of our eyes and it also works as an antioxidant to prevent chemical reactions that cause oxidative damage to our bodies. Can get vitamin A from green leafy vegetables, broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, papaya and other B vitamins include thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, biotin and cyanocobalamin. This is necessary for the proper functioning of our nervous system and to convert food into energy in the body. It is also necessary for the proper functioning of the various metabolic activities of our body. Vitamin B is available from whole grains, beans, fish and lean meat, fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, milk, eggs, soybeans and other can get vitamin B-12 only from animal sources such as liver, eggs, cheese, and meat B vitamins and other essential to the process of representation food for amino acids, and nitrogen metabolism, and skin health. And can get vitamin C from citrus fruits such as lemon, lime, orange, grape, grapefruit and other Vitamin C is essential for the prevention of diseases and infections. It also helps the absorption of iron. And can get vitamin D from sunlight. It is essential for bones and teeth. It is also necessary for the growth of the body. Vitamin E is an antioxidant necessary. And can be obtained from whole grains, asparagus, wheat germ, corn, vegetables and seeds.
If you do not have a good nutritious diet and then you can suffer from a lack of vitamin health problems. Can lack of vitamin cause vision problems such as night blindness. Can inadequate vitamin B cause diseases such as beriberi, anemia and low resistance to disease, and so there is no vitamin C causes bleeding gums, weakness, loss of appetite, fatigue, etc. vitamin D deficiency leads to deformation of bones and teeth. Vitamin deficiency in food leads to poor health. And an effective way to fill nutritional gaps due to bad habits in eating is the use of vitamin supplements. These vitamins can help us to strengthen our immune system, and build stamina.

It is always best to take vitamins from food sources rather than synthetic vitamins are all. Taking vitamins is more like a synthetic vitamin and a half our bodies vitamin treats various natural and synthetic. It is very necessary to give the body a natural nutrients to protect the various organs of the body and its functions. Our body needs vitamins integers, which is naturally present in foods such as vegetables, grains and fruits instead of vitamins. The use of natural vitamin our bodies more effective than vitamin A. Synthetic

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