Sunday, September 16, 2012

Avian influenza: We want the good news or bad news?

Bird flu: The bad news first
Well, it's flu season again. Only this time, we hear all about the bird flu ... Influenza, which should wreak havoc across the country in the not too distant months.

What is avian influenza? Avian flu is a disease of birds. Yes, you read that right, "Avian influenza is bird flu." Why is it bad news like that?

If you're still in great news, and will be considered read widely deadliest disease in history to the Spanish flu pandemic that killed 40 million people in just a few months. Scientists now believe that a pandemic was a bird flu pandemic. In other words, the virus came from birds - and we believe - and similar to a virus called "H5N1" (a form of the bird flu virus). Assets? Most scientists agree that it is native to Asia, such as this.

Happens in every flu season. It comes in two forms, influenza type A or B. Type type A is the most powerful of these types of influenza and avian influenza type A. These strains were killed.

Bird flu virus infects and scattered all over the poultry industry in Asia. Why often in Asia? In other words ... This is the key to understanding how to deal with bird flu - poultry really dirty. And can detect the smell of these operations, especially across Asia, a mile away. These farms are packed with animals that are weak, with a risk system, weakened immunity.

That these phrases together to sink in: bird flu and weakened immune systems. At all to deal with the consequences of the terrible conditions and weak immune systems of millions of people who survived the First World War or the terrible conditions of poultry in Asia and Europe and millions of animals with immune system, and the key to this epidemic is "weakened immune systems and bird flu."

Because of the rapid spread and extremely dangerous nature of avian influenza in birds, was destroyed millions of herds in the affected countries. However, this simply does not work because migratory birds are carriers of the bird flu virus to distant lands, and spreading the infection and therefore her. Interestingly, the migratory birds are not dying like chicken. Why? Because their immune system stronger, we are told by scientists.

Is that one sink in too: bird flu is not so easily kill these animals have a strong immune system. Hum ... Avian Influenza and the immune system ... Maybe we have something here.

Incidentally, there were only the deaths of hundreds of bird flu in all parts of the world. It is almost impossible for the bird flu to move from birds to humans easily.

Bird flu: Now for the really bad news

Of course, whenever there is any risk of bird flu or not, our government jumps on high alert to infect everyone, if possible, with its anti-viral drugs to combat the lowest on suspicion of bird flu. To this day, and medicines were all against influenza in vain ... Or worse, against bird flu or any other type of flu.

Note that this declaration control vaccinations former president of the Organization of the Federal Food and Drug:

There is no evidence that the flu vaccine so far
Put effective in preventing or mitigating any attack
Influenza. Producers of these vaccines know they
Worthless, but still to be sold anyway.
- Dr. J. Anthony Morris

I wonder if this applies to birds alleged "antidote" flu. Note: recent decades have seen a dramatic change in the number of deaths from seasonal flu (some against bird flu).

Researchers know now population increase does not include doubling the number of deaths from seasonal influenza Average (or other birds). Less than 20,000 die each year for decades. But since the emergence of influenza vaccination, and average more than 40,000 people a year die.


One suggestion is a combination of two factors: the continued decline of the immune system of the average American, as evidenced by many of epidemic diseases among us (and not present in significant amounts in previous decades). The second factor which follows below ... (As a second Knight of the end of the world).

Let's see ... One thing we know about vaccines against influenza. They are not proven to work ... No, we know two things ... Yes, yes. They can kill. Just as it can kill the bird flu.

Many authorities believe a vaccine against influenza weakens the immune system, in fact ... Ah, there it is again ... Is weakened by the immune system.

Why is this? Let's see. Components in a vaccine against flu (remember when it comes to bird flu) as follows:

"Formaldehyde, you know ... embalming fluid known to cause cancer.

"Aluminum and metals is closely linked with Alzheimer's disease, cancer and many types of painful episodes.

"Carbolic acid: terribly caustic poison.

"Ethylene Glycol: You will definitely need this fluid this winter, but please do not use it as a freeze anti-Lseartk, as it was designed to be used in the beginning.

"Mercury: .. was present in the component called thimerosal, a vaccine medical crippler known and deadly and kills brain cells and immune cells is associated with childhood brain and neurological diseases because of its use in vaccines.

"Grown bird flu vaccines in the developed strains of animal tissues pus responsible mixed with chemicals above death.
(Articles chips ... a special report, "bird flu H5N1," Dr. Richard Schulze, November 2005, p 12 Great "bird flu" resources)

No wonder the pharmaceutical companies concerned to be protected by law against lawsuits by those who can use these drugs against bird flu?

Forgive my doubts, but I have seen within the medical establishment / medicines, fanatical zeal to earn money as a first priority ... There is a conflict, so. And treatment of bird flu will not be different.

Do not rely on the Hippocratic Oath to protect against bird flu. There is a lot of money in these drugs. Billion. And was always suspicious when a drug company seeks trial immunity (ahem, appropriate wording here) before FACT (before using it against bird flu!)

Avian influenza: now Oalkhbr good (finally).

Bird flu not to in the following remarks were made. However, reading the mind birds.

In testimony before Congress about the possible attack against bioterrorism in the United States, and Dr. H. Reginald McDaniel said,

In cases of epidemic diseases and unusual, or exposure to infectious virulence factor,
Glyconutrient supplements has proven to improve
Public functions and immune defense. When supplied to higher levels
That need sugars available in nature, for the synthesis of cells able to take
Innate defense systems to a higher level than that to be effective against
And infectious agents.

In other words, if we were attacked by the enemy with biological weapons, such as avian flu, and found protection with glyconutrition. It is a strong antidote against non-compulsory possible influenza virus.

Glyconutrition strengthens the natural defenses of the immune system strong so unstoppable cancer, flu and other under immune Active. Evidence of this already. There's no guesswork here. Avian influenza is a type of influenza A, and specifically this type of flu glyconutrition intended to compensate.

Effective Glyconutrition - and perhaps against bird flu, and also - and has no side effects. He set a food substance and vital to human survival. There are at least four Nobel justify the existence and the need to glyconutrition rights.

There is an abundance of evidence proving effective against all sorts of diseases, including influenza. Not directly attacking the flu. It boosts the immune defenses - killer T cells and other - and kill tumors, influenza, herpes simplex, shingles, strep, tuberculosis, bacterial infections, cancers, and parasitic diseases ... List murderers kill now.

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